Vision: Ophthalmology - How The Eye Works

Do you have a philosophical vision?

And a scientific one?

And a poetic one?

Don't you ever wonder how magical our senses are?

I do.

I do wonder.

And do so the most about eyevision, the mother of them all!

Let me tell you why...

Alternative vision research has indicated that central fixation of the eye means central fixation of the mind. It means, therefore, health in all parts of the body!

The science named ophthalmology tells how the eye works through receiving the images of the outside world and transmitting them to the mind (or the brain?).

Eye VisionCredit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Such a visual perception is an automatic process as requires no effort to see. The action of seeing is passive and when it is so, it ensures a clear eyesight without a single trace of any optical illusions or eye illusions of any sort requiring any kind of eye tricks in order to see clear.

Eye VisionCredit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

There are wonderful sets of collections of pictures with the names of magic eye, eye teasers, stereograms, eye tricks, optical illusions, eye illusions that test your mind's eye vis-a-vis your brain's eye.

Eye Vision

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

When the image of the object, through the lens system, reaches the mind - just like it reaches the photographic plate through its lenses in a camera; the mind's eye interprets it in its own way not necessarily as per its objective reality.

Eye Vision

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

We have two eyes that receive two different images of one single object but the mind fuses them into one single image again. This is called stereopsis.

Eye Vision

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Extrinsic muscles of the eye cause various kinds of eye movement, that are required to be made in our daily routine while working with the eyes.

Eye Vision

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

The presence of cones along with rods in the retina is responsible for the color eyevision of the human eye. Animal vision is not always essentially color and may be black and white too. How colorful is color perception eyevision! Watching a black and white TV is so boring, isn't it?

Eye Vision

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Looking at an object, we usually can estimate roughly, how far the object is situated. This is called depth perception.

Eye Vision

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

As far as eyesight care is concerned, taking care of its acuity is an art as well as a science, which can easily be learnt through vision therapy. If it is successfully done so, even aging and eyesight stop having any connection with old age sight!

Eye Vision

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Vision Therapy: Instant Vision Correction through Chakra Opening

Vision therapy not only does instant vision correction but also heals eye diseases by opening the third eye chakra, imparting overall health to the body and to the mind through an on-off switch in the body which, in fact, is the real mind body connection.

I did it to myself the very first.

And the very first time it happened to me, it was purely accidental in itself.

Later I went into it trying to assimilate - apprehend, comprehend and systematize - the whole experience turning it into an objective procedure of vision therapy, imparting the same results every time and with every person whosoever.

It was not an easy task to do. I was groping in the pitch dark.

Vision Therapy

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

The only torch I had in my hands was my accidental experience with my own body, which I had to make into a scientific system of vision therapy for the human body.

No, I had one more torch with me.

It was the scientific study of the errors of refraction in the eyes and their correction by Dr. W.H.Bates - an American ophthalmologist - almost a hundred years ago!

He did his vision therapy the way of a genius and treated thousands of patients in his lifetime, but failed to make it an objectively repeatable performance in practice in a fixed duration time frame.

His theory of accommodation as different from that of the German classical ophthalmology, although revolutionary in content as well as fully supported by intensive and extensive experimentation, could not get its due recognition but for one reason only.

The reason was the abstract nature of his method of vision therapy that gave more credence to the mental strain and relaxation than to the physical.

Body is a concrete phenomenon but the mind is an abstract entity.

So the results of his vision therapy took a lot of time and that too, not always reproducible the same way.

This is the reason that it was not every single time that his vision therapy was carried on equally successfully!

I worked with the concrete muscular stress in the body and the physical relaxation of that concrete muscular stress in order to see clear instantaneously. That is what the mind body connection is!

In the course of my research on vision therapy, I had to work with chakras also. And here too, the story was the same. The spiritual tradition had worked on them at the abstract mental and the metaphysical planes more than at the concrete physical one. I had to discover another mind body connection here too!

The mind (psychology) and the metaphysics (spirituality), both having their roots in the body (biology)!

Clear Eye

The body obeys the laws of physics, which is the most concrete of all the sciences. And the results of this obedience are repeatable in vision therapy every time with every person whosoever!

And it is instant!

And not only instant, it delivers more than was asked for. This vision therapy not only corrects vision but also heals many other diseases in the body as well as in the mind!

Vision Therapy

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

In the words of Dr. Bates:

"Not only do all errors of refraction and all functional disturbances of the eye disappear when it sees by central fixation, but many organic conditions are relieved or cured."

"I am unable to set any limits to its possibilities. I would not have ventured to predict that glaucoma, incipient cataract and syphilitic iritis could be cured by central fixation; but It is a fact that these conditions have disappeared when central fixation was attained."

"Relief was often obtained in a few minutes, and, in rare cases, this relief was permanent."

"Usually, however, a permanent cure required more prolonged treatment."

"Inflammatory conditions of all kinds, including inflammation of the cornea, iris, conjunctiva, the various coats of the eyeball and even the optic nerve itself, have been benefited by central fixation after other methods had failed."

"Infections, as well as diseases caused by protein poisoning and the poisons of typhoid fever, influenza, syphilis and gonorrhea, have also been benefited by it. Even with a foreign body in the eye there is no redness and no pain so long as central fixation is retained."

"Since central fixation is impossible without mental control, central fixation of the eye means central fixation of the mind."

"It means, therefore, health in all parts of the body, for all the operations of the physical mechanism depend upon the mind. Not only the sight, but all the other senses - touch, taste, hearing and smell - are benefited by central fixation."

"All the vital processes - digestion, assimilation, elimination, etc. - are improved by it."

"The symptoms of functional and organic diseases are relieved. The efficiency of the mind is enormously increased."

"The benefits of central fixation already observed are, in short, so great that the subject merits further investigation."

Vision Therapy

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Amblyopia: The Lazy Eye


Amblyopia or the lazy eye is something mysterious in its nature.

Like allergy is to medicine, same way amblyopia is to ophthalmology - both idiopathic in nature.

They don't tell you their reason, and always keep you in the dark as to why they are what they are, in the very first place!


Lazy eye lowers the vision, mostly in one eye out of the two.

There is no clear-cut reason as to why it should have been so.

It's not even correctable by glasses, contact lenses or LASIK eye surgery.

A simple guide for writing checks helps people with low vision.Low VisionCredit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

There is no error of refraction present in amblyopia. It's only that the images received by the retina are not being transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve in their full brightness.

Why should it happen so?

We will have to see things in a different light for that.

Enlarged type makes newspapers and magazines easier to read.Low VisionCredit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Why do we start sensing less - anything, for that matter?

For example, why do we start feeling less hot or less cold?

Why do some people make their fingers so insensitive that they can pick the boiling tea pan on its metallic part from the gas burner and put it down on the slab without any obvious difficulty?

Why do we stop feeling the pressure of urinating for hours together in our busy city lives?

This guide makes it easier to write letters or notes.Low VisionCredit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

In fact, our mind - in conjunction with our body through its rigid musculature - conspires to keep a few chosen sensations unconscious and hence never perceives them; or perceives them less.

It's so true of sex which the religious people really start perceiving less and less with the passage of time. Even we never go mad in lovemaking because we never fully feel the touch of our partner's body. In fact, the major part of our moves in the bed is all calculated and well thought over beforehand!

If you don't use a thing, it will start losing its capacity to be used with the passage of time, although nothing has gone wrong with its structure!

A CCTV enlarges print making it easier to read.Low VisionCredit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

The function turns into dysfunction.

Amblyopia is simply a function turned into dysfunction owing to less use of it.

So, the only solution is to use it now!

Just do it!

And it will be done!!

But we do not know how to use it now.

A CCTV enlarges print making it easier to read.Low VisionCredit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

We have forgotten.

We have lost the lifeforce inside that makes us see colors as bright as they really are, the chilly as hot as it really is, the bitter-gourd as bitter as it really is, and the rose as fragrant as it really is!

How can we get it back? Can we?

Third eye opening does just that only. Vision therapy trains eyes to train mind through mind body connection; that is simply an on-off switch we have to clean up of its rust and just put it on!

Once for all, and the amblyopia is gone too!

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Eye Care Insurance

Although it is without a doubt imperative to have healthy eyes, it may or may not be critical to have vision insurance. Many insurance shoppers overvalue this insurance and pay too much for it.

To know whether you a dollars worth of coverage for every dollar spent when you pay for vision coverage, it is crucial to know what vision or eye insurance covers and what it doesn't cover. Having a good understanding of the limitations of eye insurance is necessary to determine whether you should pay extra for the coverage.

You will want to know what the extra coverage will include. Vision or eye insurance covers expenses that are associated with corrective lenses. Typically eye or vision coverage will cover an eye exam. It may also cover part of the cost of contacts or glasses.

It is also important to know what it doesn’t cover. optical insurance does not cover the medical expenses associated with eye trauma or diseases that impact the eye. Medical insurance will usually cover these medical costs.

Your vision or eye coverage nor your medical coverage is likely to include coverage for laser eye surgery. Surgery to improve vision is usually specifically excluded by
health insurance policies. This is different from surgery to restore vision.

The typical health 
insurance policy will not include coverage for corrective lenses. Typical health insurance policies don't cover for the eye exams you will need to buy corrective lenses. Corrective lenses can be either prescription contact lenses or prescription glasses.

Costs associated with eye trauma and organic diseases that affect the eye are still paid for as part of the medical benefit. A separate 
eye care insurance rider is not necessary to have an eye injury covered. Many consumers pay extra for vision or eye coverage because they assume that their medical insurance policy will not cover anything associated with vision.

When looking at medical coverage policies that include eye coverage, be sure to see how what is and isn't included in the coverage. Since some vision 
insurance policies will cover the exam only, those policies are less valuable than policies that will not only cover the examination but will also pay towards glasses.

Another issue to consider is the availability of eye care professionals. Most 
insurance policies will limit the places you can go to have your eye examination to network providers. You should make sure that there are eye care professionals near you and that you will feel comfortable using those opticians or optometrists.

There is no point in paying extra for eye care coverage only to find that none of the in network providers are ones you can or want to use. Often consumers will routinely check to make sure that their doctors are in the network, but will forget to check for dentists and optometrists.

Knowing the value of your coverage is essential if you are going to make the right choice. If the eye care coverage only includes an annual examination, you should call an eye doctor and determine the fee for an eye examination. If the policy also pays something toward prescription glasses you should add that to the cost of the examination. Multiply the cost by the number of family members that will be covered. Then divide that cost by 12 of your policy premiums are being paid monthly. This will allow you to properly compare your cost of having eye or vision coverage with the extra cost for the coverage.

Eye or vision coverage is often worth the additional costs, but often it won't be. Sometimes consumers will compare different plans that are otherwise the same and choose the one that has eye or vision coverage without the weighing the costs verses the benefits. You now know how to look at the policies like a professional would and only pay extra if the extra coverage is worth the extra price.

Eye health - a total approach to improving vision nutrition

What is the most common expression eye health nutrition?
The answer - "carrot is good for your eyes."

Unfortunately, not many people can go beyond that which precedes and explain what eye health nutrition.
Leading cause of blindness are cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Treatment of cataract is usually expensive and for AMD surgery, treatment options are limited.

Prevention is always better than cure.It is important to understand the association of ocular health nutrients.

  • Beta-carotene/carotenoids: 10,000 - 15, 000IU
  • Vitamin A: 5, 000 - 10,000 IU
  • The B vitamins:
  • B1(25-50 mg)
  • B2(25-100 mg) 
  • B3(50-100 mg) 
  • B5(50-100 mg),
  • B6, B12 (1000-2000 micrograms - mcg)
  • Biotin (100-300 mcg)
  • Choline (50-100 mg)
  • Folic acid (400-800 mcg)
  • Inositol (150-300 mg) 
  • Calcium: 300-500 mg for men 600-1200mg for women
  • Vitamin D: 100 - 400 mg
  • Vitamin E: c: 2000-10000 mg
  • Vitamin 400-800IUBoron: mg
  • Chromium 1-5: 100 - 400 mcg
  • Copper: 5mg
  • Magnesium 1: 300-500 mg
  • Manganese: 10 mg
  • Selenium: 25-50 mcg
  • Vanadyl sulfate: 25 mcg
  • Zinc 10: 10 to 30 mg

Eye Relaxation Exercises

Eye relaxation exercises relieve dry eyes, eyes tired, strained eyes caused by prolonged use of the computer and other fatigue eye symptoms.

If your work is deskbound, or if you facing the screen for hours, you need these eyes strain symptom: fatigue, headache disorders of vision.

Studies, very few people know how to rest their eyes efficiently.
Relaxation following eye exercises will help you relax and reduce fatigue. You need to repeat the exercise of relaxation after all 30 minutes of work on the computer.
  1. Seated comfortably on a rub hands together until they feel warm.
  2. Close the eyes and cover lightly with palms easily applying pressure on your eye balls.Place the Palm so that nose remain open and the eyes remain behind the hollow palm.
  3. Make sure that no light rays entering the eye and leave no gaps between the fingers between the edge of the palm and the nose.
  4. On the other hand, you can still see the other persistent colors. Imagine traces deep darkness and focus on the dark.
  5. Take breaths slowly and evenly, think about some happy incident or view a remote scene.
  6. Repeat for 3 minutes or more.
I hope you enjoy this free report and it is for is also useful for you, as thousands of others...

Strengthen the eyes - The Cure
The first thing for the patient who wants to improve his vision to do, is therefore this fileis strain relaxation ' one of the best ways to do this is to turn a blind eye.... and think of something to keep in mind at rest. Many people love to remember something black, but any color...
Our eyes are relax when they are made to look at distance.
If you're feeling strain after working at your computer for a period of time, simply locate a window or objects distant approximately 5 metres from your work area.
If you eyes strained, they can be rested doing this exercise of relaxation for the eyes (i.e. looking at distant objects) for a few minutes.

Treat your Dry Eyes - Eye blinking - a way to soothe your eyes
Reduce eye strain from computer
Working at a computer for long periods at a time without interruption can cause a condition called "computer fatigue syndrome," which encompasses a wide range of symptoms...
  1.  Find a window or a door which has bars vertically or grill.
  2.  Through the bars look and look at distant objects.
  3.  Swing slowly and rythmically like your breathing rythmically horloge.Gardez pendulum too.
  4.  Transfer your weight one foot to another and keep your body inert and lax muscles.
  5.  Repeat 100 times per day, flickering like you sway.Blink cleans and lubricates the eyes, which is   especially important if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer.
  6.  Continue for 2 to 3 minutes or more.
  1. Stand with your feet width of the shoulders, arms hanging loosely on your side.
  2. Enjoy low distant object, transfer your weight with your right foot and swing your upper body to the right, leaving the heel of your left foot arrive on the floor.Watch your surroundings as the rythmically vous.Respirer.
  3. If you see a tree out of the window or in the distance, note how it seems to go in the direction you are swinging.
  4. Return to the original position.
  5. Continue rocking in the same way on your left.
  6. While doing this eye relaxation exercises, breathing rythmically and blink your eyes as you swing.
  7. Blink cleans and lubricates the eyes, which is especially important if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer.
  8. Continue for at least 2-3 minutes.Répétez 100 times per day.
  1. Close your yeux.Avec your head, slowly and gently to form a figure 8 in the air.
  2. Move and breathe rythmically.
  3. Continue for 3 minutes or more.
  4. Eye relaxation exercise helps improve blood circulation around of eyes and face.
  5. Small towers soaked in hot and cold water.
  6. Apply first round (hot or cold one) and it compress on your face, eyebrows, eyelids closed and cheeks.
  7. Apply apply, you make sure that put you an end to the session with a cold compress.
  8. These compress opens small blood vessels of the face and the eyeballs and thus relieve eye strain.
More information on hot and cold compresses
  1. Sprinkle water cold tap running on eyes closed for a few seconds.
  2. Allow the water on the face to dry on its own and does not wipe your face dry.
  3. Eye relaxation exercise is effective to relieve tension in the muscles of the face and eyes.
  4. Of soaking in a hot Tower or water chaude.Frottez your forehead, cheeks and neck vigorously with the tour.Cependant not rub your eyes.
  5. After this, gently massage your forehead and your eyelids closed with the fingers.

Most Massage Eye - eye reinforcement
Massage is known to be beneficial in its effects on all parts of the nerves corps.Lens are stimulated, incorporated into the largest and most active blood circulation and muscle and tissue generally stimulate life more vigoureuse.Il is now working to benefit as many forms of the disease...
Another exercise helpful for your eye muscles eye relaxation is magnetic therapy.
Wear a special magnetic frames 5 - 10 minutes each magnetic waves emanating from the magnet is based eyes and relieve tension.

Effects of smoking on health of the eye. What are effective ways to quit smoking?

What are effective ways to quit smoking? What is the best way?
There is no single recipe for smoking - cessation methods work better for different personnes.Mais is something successfully all former smokers have in common that they really wanted to quit!
We have all heard about the evil effects of tobacco on our lungs and heart, but there was little mention of its effects on vision.
The effects of smoking on the retina are dévastateur.La retina is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress.Smoking adds to the stress and accelerates the degeneration of the macular pigment and the development of degeneration maculaire.Si you smoke, your macular pigment is only half as heavy as that of a nonsmoker.
Smoking decreased levels of carotenoids in the blood, even after adjusting for differences in diet.Smoking increased oxidative stress, plasma antioxidant reduced and increases the risk of disease.The vascular adverse effects of smoking on the vision are cumulative and not direct REVERSIBLE.A relationship was found between the impact of age, macular degeneration the number of years, a person has smoked and the number of cigarettes smoked per day.People living with a smoker have a slightly higher that persons who do not smoke or live with a smoker.Nonsmokers on twice the macular pigment density levels of macular pigment smokers.Low contribute to an increased risk of developing smokers.Smokers MD risk have also tended to eat more than fat than nonsmokers, but predominantly males compared to this correlation study. Exposure to light in an environment rich in fatty acids makes the cells in the retina particularly prone to oxidative stress.
The best way to reduce the risk of Visual loss of macular degeneration and cataracts is to quit now.
effective ways to quit smoking

Going cold Turkey means to stop smoking completely at a given date. This method works mieux.La former smokers most resigned this way. Try this method first before password to others.
This method is to delay time you smoke your first cigarette somewhat later until you go through the day without fumer.Vous can also delay lighting in a few minutes until you can do without a cigarette completely whenever you have an urge to smoke.This method involves less smoking cigarettes each day to ensure that you are no longer smoking at all.You can also smoked less each cigarette each time you light up.effective ways to quit smoking
A nicotine patch can help reduce withdrawal symptoms, you may encounter when you quit cold Turkey.Nicotine in hotfix passes through the skin in your body to help reduce your urge to smoke.This is to deal with smoking and dependence psychologique.Demandez your doctor for more information.
To stick to it, any quoi.Vous can choose a day with a special meaning like your birthday or the day of the new année.musulmans usually quit smoking during Ramadan can use this opportunity to try to stop for good.Ebook free - smoking cessationDifficulty in concentration or dizziness because your brain must get accustomed to having more oxygen .Contre cough and runny as your lungs to get rid of the dirt and the sprouts which gathered inside, while fumaient.Forte envy you cigarettes for a week or two while your body gets rid of nicotine.
Feeling of tingling in arms and legs as your statements of circulation of the blood to the worldwide normale.Tout gets these symptoms, but do not lose hope if you the faites.Ils will disappear within a couple weeks, and they really are signs that you get better.

The five leading causes of blindness

As the hair on your head starts to grey, your eyes begin to dim too. The passing of the years not only leads to the wear and tear of the windows to the soul, but also raises one's chances of getting diseases that can close the shutters of those windows - for good.
With the average lifespan of a person rising from 63 years in 1960 to 80 years now and the population greying rapidly, more people here will face the risk of losing their sight.

Four of the top five causes of blindness here, including reversible blindness, are linked to ageing. They are: cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy.

For diseases which are age-related, the longer you live, the higher the likelihood of getting them.
The only other major cause of blindness here that does not plague just the elderly is severely undercorrected refractive error, which comprises mainly short-sightedness.

The growth in the number of people suffering from refractive errors and diabetic retinopathy is a result of changes in lifestyle here.In the past, vision loss would probably have been caused more by malnutrition, such as vitamin A deficiency, and by infectious diseases, such as trachoma, which are still major problems in developing countries.

In developed countries now, we have mostly age-related and lifestyle associated ones. For example, more people are short-sighted now compared to 30 years ago, as children spend more time reading and less time outdoors.The incidence of such diseases will continue to rise as the population is ageing rapidly, but it takes time for people to modify their lifestyles to promote good eye health. It may be decades before any change can be seen.It is not known exactly what proportion of the population here is blind or has low vision, which is defined as the inability to see well enough to drive.

A study on 3,280 Malays aged 40 to 79, completed in 2006, gives an idea of the extent of vision loss and sight-threatening eye diseases here.The Singapore Malay Eye Study found that 0.3 per cent of the Malay population here are blind in both eyes, and 4.4 per cent have low vision in both eyes.
Of the Malays who were blind in both eyes, 65 per cent suffered from cataracts, while almost 20 percent had undercorrected refractive errors.
Those with AMD made up less than 5 per cent of those who were blind in both eyes. The glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy groups each made up a similar proportion.

The good news is that the top two causes of blindness here - cataract and undercorrected refractive errors - can be treated effectively and hardly anyone with them has to be blind permanently.

Treatment methods for glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and AMD have also improved over the years and can help slow or even halt vision loss, especially for those who are diagnosed and treated early.

However, many patients do not seek help early enough because they do not know about the disease and the fact that it can be treated. Some may fear consulting doctors or are afraid that the treatment will be costly. This results in unnecessary loss of quality of life.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that - You won't have optimal quality of life if you don't have at least driving vision. You'll also be at a greater risk of falls.

As many eye diseases do not have obvious symptoms, the key to detection and prevention is regular screening. Diabetic patients should go for screening every year, while those aged above 40 should have an eye check every two years. Such eye checks can be done by optometrists or doctors.

If the disease is caught early, there is a chance it can be prevented from getting worse. If it is found late, we may not be able to reverse the damage done.

Cataracts are the No. 1 cause of blindness here but, fortunately, the condition can be easily treated and the blindness reversed.

A cataract is formed when the usually clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy. This hinders light from entering the eye and causes vision to become blurred over time. Patients may also see halos around lights or feel that colours look dull.

About 65 per cent of those blind in both eyes here suffer from cataracts. The condition is often caused by ageing. More than a third of people aged 40 and above have cataracts, a 1998 study on 1,152 adults found. This rises to over 90 per cent for those aged 70 and above.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays present in sunlight, long-term use of drugs like steroids and some diseases like diabetes raise the risk of developing cataracts.

Young people can also be born with cataracts or can develop them because of eye injuries. To avoid developing cataracts, wear sunglasses with UV protection and lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent diabetes.
The standard treatment is to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear artificial one. The lens can be designed to correct refractive errors like short-sightedness, which is a bonus for patients as they will not need spectacles after surgery.

However, in rare cases where the patient's cataracts are too severe and have damaged the cornea, the condition cannot be treated and the person is left permanently blind.

Undercorrected short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism and other refractive errors are problems which can be easily fixed.

People with severe short-sightedness can develop complications that can blind them permanently, although this happens very rarely.

To prevent it from developing or worsening, take regular vision breaks - five-minute breaks from reading or writing - and spend more time outdoors.

Glaucoma causes fluid in the eye to build up, which ratchets up the pressure inside. The high pressure damages the optic nerve which sends signals from the eye to the brain to enable the person to see. The damage is irreversible and can lead to blindness in severe cases.The disease comes in several forms. The majority of patients develop a form called primary open angle glaucoma. It progresses slowly and painlessly and destroys peripheral vision before centralvision, so patients often do not notice that their vision is deteriorating. Another form called acute angle closure glaucoma, which tends to hit older Chinese, occurs suddenly. Pressure in the eye rises rapidly, causing pain and redness in the eye, blurred vision, headache and nausea.Less than 5 per cent of the population suffer from glaucoma, which is linked to ageing. The risk of getting it is about 3 per cent for those aged 40 and above, but about - 9 per cent for those aged 70 and above.

The risk also rises when there is a family history of glaucoma, extreme short-sightedness or chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. Eye inflammation, advanced cataracts, tumours, injuries and surgery can cause glaucoma.

Most of the risk factors cannot be prevented. Screening to detect the disease early is important, as treatment can arrest its progression in most cases.

The disease is usually treated with eye drops to lower the pressure. Laser treatment or surgery are used usually at a later stage. However, some patients still end up losing their sight for good. In a 2003 study on 186 patients in the United States, 9 per cent were found to be blind in both eyes after 15 years, despite treatment.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) causes the macula - the centre of the retina - to deteriorate.
It can be the dry type - when yellow waste material is deposited on the macula - or the wet type - when abnormal blood vessels grow under the macula, leak and damage it.Nine in 10 patients have the dry type, which has a 10 per cent risk of becoming wet. The wet type leads to 90 per cent of AMD blindness. About 5 per cent of the population have this condition.Of those who are blind in both eyes, 5 per cent have AMD. The risk of getting it rises from 2 per cent at age 40 to 10 per cent at age 70.

Exposure to high-energy visible light from the sun may raise the risk of AMD, so wearing sunglasses will help. Consuming vitamins A, C and E, and zinc and copper, may slow down its progression. Regular laser therapy can seal leaky blood vessels and drugs can be injected regularly into the eye to stop their growth.
Diabetic retinopathy causes abnormal blood vessels, to grow over the retina and optic nerve of a diabetic patient, which then leak and damage the retina and nerve.It causes blurring of vision and "floaters" - black spots so called as they seem to float. It can cause the retina to detach, damage the retina's centre or develop into glaucoma.

A study in 2006 showed that the condition caused blindness in less than 5 per cent of people who lost their vision in both eyes. This is the most common diabetes-related eye disease, affecting 35 per cent of diabetic patients in the study.The longer a person has diabetes, the greater the risk of having diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic patients should control their blood sugar and blood pressure levels to avoid it.
Laser therapy is used to bum off the abnormal blood vessels and dead parts of the retina and to prevent further damage to the eye.

Glossary of eye health

The following list provides a brief description of several of the most common eye disorders.

ACCOMMODATION The ability of the visual system to see clearly distant and close. ACCOMMODATION, MUSCLES OF (See CILIARY MUSCLE)

AMBLYOPIA (LAZY EYE) Reduced vision uncorrectable by glasses. It occurs when the brain 'switches off' the messages coming from a particular eye. This eye sometimes turns to one side or the other.

ASTIGMATISM is a visual defect which is caused by an irregularity in the surface of either the cornea or the crystalline lens.

AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM The part of our nervous system that functions automatically and is in charge of maintaining a stable internal environment.

BATES SYSTEM Techniques for relaxing and mobilising the whole visual system devised by American ophthalmologist William H Bates. This method emphasized the connection between the body and mind and gave individuals a way to improve their sight without depending on glasses.

BEHAVIOURAL OPTOMETRY A specialized branch of optometry which recognizes the influence of environment, posture and general health on eyesight. The treatment is a combination of training lenses and eye exercises.

BINOCULAR VISION is vision in which both eyes are used together.

BLOODSHOT EYES If your eyes are chronically bloodshot, it may be that the delicate capillaries in your eyes are trying to tell you something.

CATARACT is a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes dense or opaque and does not properly transmit light.

CHI The Chinese term for universal life energy.

CHIROPRACTIC A system of healing based upon the theory that disease results from a lack of normal nerve function. Treatment consists of manipulation and specific adjustments of body structures, especially the spinal column.

CILIARY MUSCLE The muscle which encircles the lens of the eye. It contracts and releases, changing the shape of the lens thus producing accommodation.

CONE CELLS Specialised nerve cells on the retina which produce colour and detail vision.

CONCAVE LENSES a lens which curves inward, used to compensate for myopia. This. lens makes things look smaller.

CONJUNCTIVITIS, sometimes called pink eye, is an inflammation of the blood vessels in the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the sclera and inside of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis may be caused by bacteria or viruses, making it very contagious.

CONVERGENCE INSUFFICIENCY is a common condition that is characterized by a person's inability to maintain proper binocular eye alignment on objects as they approach from distance to near.

CONVEX LENSES a lens which curves outward, used to compensate for hyperopia. This lens magnifies.

CORNEA The transparent front of the eye that covers the iris and pupil.

CROSSED EYES is also known as Squint or Strabismus. It describes the situation where the eyes move out of the aligned state when they are dissociated.

DIOPTER The measurement unit used for describing refractive error on prescriptions. One diopter is the refractive power of a lens needed to focus a point of light at one metre's distance.
DIVERGENCE Moving away from a central point or line. A term used to describe eyes that turn outward. (See STRABISMUS)

DOMINANT Commanding or controlling. This term is used to describe the sides of the brain and body which are used first, ie each individual is either right or left brain dominant, dictating their particular tendancies even when they are using both sides. (See RIGHT & LEFT BRAIN.) A 'right-handed' individual can be described as 'right hand dominant'.

DRY EYE occurs when there is not enough moisture in the eye, causing it to feel dry, hot, sandy, and gritty. Dry eye may be caused by low humidity, smoke, aging, certain diseases, and certain medications (i.e., antihistamines, decongestants).

EMMETROPIA Normal refractive condition of the eye.

ENZYMES Chemicals created by living cells that catalyse processes in the body. The most well known enzymes are those used by the body for digesting foods. Digestive enzymes are essential for the breaking down of foods into their nutrient components for use by the body.

ESOTROPIC This describes an eye that turns inward (cross-eyed) (See PHORIA).

EXOTROPIC This describes an eye that turns outward (wall-eyed): (See PHORIA) FOVEA

EYE ALLERGIES Up to 50 million Americans suffer from the miseries of allergies, with allergic reactions involving the eyes being a common complaint. An allergic reaction that affects the conjunctiva, a clear layer of skin overlying the eyes, is commonly referred to as allergic conjunctivitis.

EYE ANATOMY The human eye is one of the most important organs and probably the most useful of various sense organs of our body.

CENTRALIS The point of keenest vision in the eye, located inside the macula lutea. In this area a very large number of cone cells are massed tightly together. When light enters the lens and is cast directly on the fovea centralis, sharp, detailed images will result.

Nearsighted people almost always have a certain number of floaters because of the shape of their eyes. In older people, the vitreous transforms from a gel to a more liquid form ...

FOVEAL VISION Sharp, clear vision acheived by the fovea centralis. Also called 'nuclear' and 'central' vision. (See NUCLEAR VISION).

FUSION The brain and mind's ability to create one image from the messages coming from both eyes.

FUSIONAL RESERVE A reserve of strength and energy in the visual system which allows clear vision and fusion to take place through periods of strain. This reserve lasts for a certain period and can be 're-charged', but will not be maintained through long periods of constant stress.
'GATE' The appearance of two fingers that arises when one finger is held up close in front of the eyes and the attention is in the distance. This double-image shows that fusion is happening in the visual system.

GLAUCOMA is a disease that impairs vision when fluid and pressure build up in the eye and damage the optic nerve.

'GREAT WHITE GLOW' The white aura seen around letters and words when viewing black print on white paper with a relaxed mind.

HYPEROPIA (LONG-SIGHTEDNESS) A state in which images of close objects fall behind the retina rather than on it, resulting in visual blur. The physical aspect is an abnormally short eyeball. The emotional aspect is discomfort with closeness, intimacy, details. Usually compensated for by prescribing of magnifying or 'plus' lenses.

INTEGRATION The merging and blending of abilities and characteristics. The act of unifying rather than isolating. Denotes a state of high human ability.

LAZY EYE (Also known as Amblyopia) is the natural consequence of long-term disuse or suppression of an eye. It should be noted that severe congenital visual defects in both eyes, if not corrected in time, may result in laziness of both the eyes.

LENS The transparent layered curved structure that sits between the pupil and vitreous humor. The lens gently bends entering light and helps bring it to a point on the retina.

MACULAR DEGENERATION is the breaking down, or degeneration, of the macula area of the retina of the eye.

MACULA LUTEA A small area on the retina in a direct line back from the lens of the eye. It has a higher concentration of the cone receptor cells than the rest of the retina.

MELANIN A pigment in human skin. It helps to protect the skin from overexposure to sunlight.

MYOPIA (SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS) A state of the visual system in which images of distant objects fall in front of rather than on the retina, resulting in blur. Physically, the eyeball is too long. Emotionally, myopes usually have difficulty wanting to see or open up to the larger world. Usually compensated for by prescribing of contractive 'minus' lenses.

OCULAR ANAESTHESIA Anaesthesia used on the eye so that surgery can be performed.

OPTIC CHIASM The intersection of the optic nerves from the two eyes. At this point in the brain the optic nerve fibres divide, half from each eye crossing over to join half from the other eye.

OPHTHALMOLOGIST A medical doctor specializing in examining eyes and prescribing glasses, diagnosing and treating eye dis.eases. Performs optional surgeries for strabismus and myopia.

OPTOMETRIST Examines eyes and prescribes glasses. Diagnoses but usually refers eye diseases. Behavioural optometrists also give eye exercises.

ORTHOPTICS A medically accepted method of exercising eye muscles to correct crossed eyes and muscular weakness. Commonly used for a short period after surgery.

OSTEOPATH A practitioner of osteopathy.

OSTEOPATHY A system of medical treatment based on the theory that diseases are chiefly due to the loss of structural integrity in the tissues of the body. Treatment consists of body manipulation (adjustments) surgery, drugs, and diet.

PALMING Gently placing the cupped palms of the hands over closed eyes to relax by visualising pleasant images.

PATCHING Covering one eye with an obscuring material to encourage the uncovered eye to wake up, perceive and strengthen.

PHORIA The tendency of lines of vision to deviate from the normal. Esophoria is the tendency of eyes to deviate (turn) inward (towards the nose). Exophoria is the tendency of eyes to deviate in an outward direction.

PINK EYE, also known as Conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the blood vessels in the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the sclera and inside of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis may be caused by bacteria or viruses, making it very contagious.

PRESBYOPIA is an eye condition that typially occurs after the age of forty. Loss of elasticity in the lens of the eyes is the main cause of Presbyopia.

PTERYGIUM A fleshy mass of conjunctiva which usually occurs at the inner side of the eyeball, covering part of the cornea. Pterygiums can cause a disturbance of vision by growing across the pupil.

REFRACTIVE ERROR A deviation in the eye's ability to bend incoming light to create a clear image. Variations are labeled as hyperopia, myopia, presbyopia ('old-age sight') and astigmatism.

REM (RAPID EYE MOVEMENT) Prior to going into deep sleep an individual's eyes make many rapid small movements behind closed lids.

RETINA The responsive layer of specialised nerve cells at the back of the eye which change light into electrical impulses.

RETINOSCOPE An optical instrument that casts a beam of light into the eye revealing whether it is in a state of refractive error.

RETINOSCOPY Objective examination of the refractive powers of the eye by observation with a retinoscope.

ROD CELLS Nerve cells in the retina which register light and dark. They are stimulated in dim light and do not register colour.

 SACCADES Quick, small movements that enable the eyes to pick up details and to move from one object of interest to another.

SQUINT is also known as crossed eyes or Strabismus. It describes the situation where the eyes move out of the aligned state when they are dissociated.


SUNNING Relaxing for short periods in the sunlight with eyes closed. Sunning allows body and eyes to absorb the small amount of UV light essential to human health.

SUPPRESSION The vision of a person with suppression in one eye could be thought of as one dimensional. He finds it difficult to judge the location of an object in space correctly.

SWING Moving attention and body to relax and to activate rapid saccadic movement in the eyes.

ULTRA-VIOLET (UV) That part of the sun's rays with slightly greater frequency than violet. It is also emitted by artificial lamps that are used for healing, growing plants and forming vitamins. Ultra-violet is said to be necessary for human health as it stimulates the pituitary gland.

VISUAL CORTEX A part of the cerebral cortex in the brain, primarily responsible for interpreting visual impulses from the eyes. Also called the visual brain.

Glaucoma Symptoms & Glaucoma Treatment

What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a State of health of the eye where the pressure inside the eye (known as intraocular pressure) fluid increases.
If the intraocular pressure is too high for too long, this will cause damage to the optic nerve, vision loss and possibly the cécité.Glaucome usually occurs in both eyes, but often begins it first in one eye only.
Symptoms of glaucoma
Often, there is no symptoms in the initial step for glaucoma - like this glaucoma patient experience.
However, take note if occurs following eye health problems: Eye or painRed eyes face down the sensitivity in the light of an enlarged cornea Dilated cloudy vision students with colored halos that appear around lights frequent changes of sunglasses, which none are satisfactory inability to adapt to the eyes in dark rooms, such as the gradual loss of vision theatres device headaches
Treatment of glaucoma
Treatment of glaucoma is to standardize the influx and the drainage of fluid (aqueous humor) into the eye, to restore the normal balance of pressure internal and some yeux.Les medical and surgical approaches have high rates of success in the treatment of glaucoma.
Treatment of chronic glaucoma is managed with drops ophthalmic containing epinephrine or pilocarpine to help improve the flow of fluid, but may have adverse and headaches and blurred vision, as in the case of the pilocarpine.Utilisation epinephrine may cause tears, red eyes excessively and in rare cases worsening heart problems.
If chronic glaucoma is not responding to eye health drugs or ocular health drug side effects are too much to tolerate, surgery may be recommended.
There are two methods - trabeculoplasty and trabeculectomy.

Chinese Eye Exercises

Chinese eye exercises are based on acupressure points. They were conducted regularly in China to help reduce the rate of eye disorders.
In Chinese medicines, if the view is a failure, it may mean that the liver does not so optimale.Dans this situation, the liver can progressively improve dietary changes daily Taijiquan, qigong, yoga, meditation and reflexology.
You can also perform some simple foot reflexology: just roll one foot wooden roller or a rolling pin under the feet toes heels 5 minutes to concentrate more on the spaces between the second and third toes on two feet (ie. th reflex zones for the eyes) .alors concentrate on reflex zone of the liver, which is on the right foot on the ball of the foot, in accordance with the provisions of the third, fourth and fifth toes.If the liver or gallbladder is not working properly, this region you will feel very soft.
Lack of view may also be due to the poor state of reins.Quotidien stress Taijiquan, qigong, yoga or meditation on stimulation and rejuvenate the taijiquan reins.Dans, all transactions involve the sized and kidneys of these meditation mouvements.Tao massage also improves the quality of the jing, which in turn Rejuvenates the kidneys.
Read also about the processing of traditional Chinese medicine Eye disorders
Chinese Eye ExercisesWith the head facing forward:
1 Go from left to right. Repeat 10 times.
2 Go top in bas.Répétez 10 times.
3 Move eyes diagonally from lower left to upper-droite.Répétez 10 times.
4 Move the eyes diagonally from top left to bottom right.Repeat 10 times.
S moves the eyes of the clockwise.Repeat 10 times.
6 Moving eye around anti-horaire. Repeat 10 times.
7 Rub the eyelids to improve circulation.
Perform 8 northern is to rest your eyes
Note: If you are elderly or have tended to become dizzy or faint, do these exercises lying down.
You can make China eye exercises after meals, while advertising breaks while watching television, or as often as you souhaitez.Les eyes closed:
1 By using the middle finger, massage with bone Sockets oeil.Déplacez fingers outward and upward, then towards the bridge of the nose, as indicated by the arrows in figure 1.Répétez 8 times.
Chinese Eye Exercises
2 Using the middle finger, massage hollows in the temples of each side of his face in an up and transport.Répétez 8 times.(See figure 1).
3 Use inches for behind the lobes of the ear bones in an up and transport of massage.Répétez 8 times.(See figure 2).
Chinese Eye Exercises
4 Use inches for bones behind his head on either side of the neck, upper in a up and transport of massage.Répétez 8 times.(See figure 2).
5 Make Northern rest your eyes
This set of Chinese eye exercises is excellent for students during periods of intensive study.
1. With the fingers massage gently areas on the back of the skull directly behind the eyes. these can be very tender.(See figure 2 above).
Rotation 2 big toes towards hourly and counterclockwise, then massage the depth on the front, back and upper, to improve the supply of blood to the brain and optic nerves and relax the muscles of the neck.
3 Massage the reflex zones of the eye on the plant directly under the second and third toes on both feet.
4 Massage the reflex zones of the eye directly under the fingernails of the big toes.
Chinese Eye Exercises

Step 1: ?Yuyao? MassagingIdentify 2 ?Yuyao? points located at the medical aspect (internal) sourcils.Votre thumb against the two points of the press in a circular motion to a count of 8 beats by cycle.Répétez 8 circles.

Step 2: Massaging ?Zanzhu? points ofIdentify which are located on both sides of the nasal bridge.Using your right or left hand, place your thumb and forefinger on the points.Appuyez ?Zanzhu? points on the downward and upward massage to a count of 8 beats by cycle.Répétez for 8 cycles.

Step 3: Massaging ?Shibai? points ofIdentify points on your cheeks by dropping a vertical by students from your eyes and nostrils (faces) of your nez.Le horizontal line line ?Shibai? point of intersection of these two lines is where the ?Shibai? point is.Press ?Sibai? points index fingers and supports your thumb on the corners of your JAWS with the same outstanding medium ring and little fingers on both sides of your points in a multi-segment count indictment 8 beats per cycle of 8 massage.Répétez menton.Les cycles

Step 4: ?temple? points pressing and sliding round eye socketsIdentify ?Taiyang? points located in hollow areas of your temples.Press ?Taiyang? with your thumb points fall remaining in a punches, your fingers slide over median index finger lateral superior for the first four beats eye sockets aspect position.Use fingers and continue to do well on lower for the second eye sockets 4 beats each cycle.Répétez for 8 cycles.

When you complete the Chinese regime of 4 storeys of exercies, watch remotely for short time ensure total relaxation for your eye muscles.
Similarly, expect no Chinese Eye exercices.Vous miracle cure must pure hard work and patience to do at least some of these Chinese exercises quotidiennement.Les people who wear eyeglasses eyes is without them a few hours per day and then gradually increase the time.Articles for Chinese Eye exercises:
Chinese acupressure techniques
A useful guide on techniques of eye fatigue and other disorders of Chinese healing body.
Eye - eye strengthening massage
Massage is known to be beneficial in its effects on all parts of the nerves corps.Les are stimulated, incorporated into the largest and most active blood circulation and muscle and tissue generally stimulate life more vigoureuse.Il is now working to benefit as many forms of the disease...
Move to the top Chinese Eye exercises

Correction of presbyopia - A natural vision improvement year running!

This correction of presbyopia is a safe method, tried and tested that has helped thousands to see clear once more.
It has proved to be an effective solution for many personnes.Et it will work for you also!
The only way to clear vision block is you!Yes, unless you build this technique of presbyopia correction to your daily routine, there is no way you could reverse your eye problem.
Also, don't expect your vision to retrieve the lendemain.Si agenda you are determined to follow daily exercises, you will see clear once more.
Presbyopia is a condition of the eye which occurs usually after the age of forty ans.La loss of elasticity in the lens of the eye is the main cause of presbyopia.


This doctor developed read without glasses method is one of the best natural ways to sharpen your eyesight without glasses to read or surgery - minutes one day in the maison.Lisez these success stories.
If you expand the presbyopia, you'll find that you need to keep books, magazines, newspapers and other readings of focus correctement.lorsque dependency you perform work such as embroidery or handwriting, you can have headaches or eyestrain or feel tired.There are a few points to note in order for you to maximize the benefits of eye exercises:

1 Firstly, read and understand each exercise of presbyopia correction steps carefully.
2 Use of glasses or contact unless you request.
3 Eye exercises in flagrant non-lumière.Vision graphic or targets should be well lit at all times.
4. If the eye exercise requires that you close the eyes, do so gently.
5 Strain not your eyes while doing exercise eye .the result would be better if you strain your eyes.
6 Rest your eyes after each year of the eye and also at the end of the exercise of all of the yeux.Pour relax your eyes, make eye relaxation exercises.
7. As our eyes are tired after a day's work, early in the morning is the best time for exercises from the eye.
8. If you do not have enough time to perform all exercises of the eye for presbyopia, you can be certain in the morning and finish the rest in the latter part of the day.

Perform the following heat place ahead of the eye for the correction of presbyopia.
To accelerate progress in the treatment of vision, we recommend that you download and daily practise "the 10 Visual technical powerful":
Hot (1) until the exercise - visualization
(2) Warm up exercise - The Lion Pose
After that, continue to hyperopia eye exercises:
(1) Eye - neck exercise
(2) Gallery - white intersection of eyes
(3) Eye exercise - alternate close & Far Gaze
This is one of the eye exercises that you can practice anywhere and anytime.
The benefits of this process of improving vision lens crystaline become more flexible and thus improve our ability to move focus quickly close away and vice versa.
(4) The exercise - eye view of letters
Visualization is one of the eye, strengthening exercises that has helped many people with vision blurred to see clear once more.
Hot (1) until the exercise - visualization
This program of vision correction, we want to use visualization to soothe and relax the body and mind .the eyes will also get relaxed in the course of the process.
Hot (2) until the exercise - neck
Continue hyperopia eye exercises:
(1) Eye exercise - focal flexibility
This eye exercise helps to improve the flexibility of your lens of the eye and therefore to improve your vision and relieve eye strain.
(2) Eye exercise - Thumb of outputs school
Eye exercise is one of the great technical exercise muscles that move the eyes and develop better coordination oculo - manual .Comme muscles that move the eyes become more flexible and powerful, eye fatigue caused by an imbalance of these muscles is exempt.
(3) Exercise eyes - changing remote playback
Discover and acquire a vision with eye - a simple program, exercise proven and tested that has helped many vision problems (e.g., presbyopia, hyperopia, myopia, etc.).
(4) Gallery - white intersection of eyes
Impairment of vision can be caused by the inability of the eyes to draw in the discussion and focus on near objects.
This exercise of vision correction is particularly useful for sufffer hyperopia (Farsighetedness) and presbyopia.
(5) Exercise of eye - reading in
This natural vision correction program has shown very good results for many people.
Move to the top of the page
PRESBYOPIA - Because of Computer Vision Syndrome

Strengthen the Eyes - Chapter 4 - good exercises eye - vision .com

NORMAL, healthy eyes should be strong, clear, alert and full of expression. When they are dull, low or missing in the expression, we can be sure that something is mentally or physically wrong with their owner.
Everyone has noted the expression without significance in the eyes of the drunkard ow ?h they roll a heavy, lustreless in their sockets. This shows sufficiently intimate relationship between eyes and nervous system overhead. Indeed, one could say the eyes are a fair indication of the condition of the stomach and the entire system. Eating, drinking, smoking, excessive worry or other debilitating practices are convinced to register sooner or later in these delicate and sensitive structures. When the body is healthy and normal, blood provided eyes is pure and clear. Strong eye are the result.If, on the other hand, digestion is ELV and blood impure or loaded equipment permanently, then their eyes grow dull and heavy; their power vision is impaired not less than their beauty and degeneration of tissue results.
Defect of the eye of this character are almost invariably of certain constitutional weakness or defects and non-local causes to which they are often attributed. This will become increasingly clear that we do. Most opticians and ophthalmologists tend to consider the eye as a detached without any relationship to the rest of the body organ, blood circulation and nervous system structure.It is irrational, and it is impossible that any product standing must come from the.The connection between the eye and the rest of the body is more intimate, and any form of poisoning, or weakness, in the latter case manifest both in the premier.Dans these circumstances, local treatment is useless without the advancement physics générale.Seulement a strenuous physical exercise, a healthy diet, deep breathing and General contribution may constitute the system and put it on this high level of energy which is essential to the health, strength and beauty of the eyes.
The causes to which the deplorable state of eye civilized is usually attributed such as prolonged use of close work, poor lighting, etc., are harmful, as we shall see later, when the eyes are not used properly.
Typically involves a lot of time to the eyes of tires, and they very quickly recover from adequate care.Of course, if things were allowed to go too far, a long course of treatment can be critical, but even in this case, it is surprising to see how fast recovery will take place.
Use lenses as soon as any Visual discomfort is experienced is error ? for reasons to be defined later stated.
Thus, eyes are supplied with a crutch that supports partially their, but which, at the same time prevents artificially tendues.Le natural result is what they call for more lenses more puissants.La right thing to do in this case is to discover and remove the cause of the State, constitutional or local.Ensuite palliative measures will become unnecessary.

Computer Vision Syndrome Cause Tired Eyes

If you frequently use the computer for work, study or game, you are at risk of developing (CVS) computer vision syndrome.
Computer Eye Syndrome
Computer Vision Syndrome, a cause of eyestrain, affects almost everyone in the era of information .the prevention is difficult in an era where a typical person use a computer for at least two hours and some up to 14 hours per day.
Prolonged computer use causes stress as the muscles of the eyes cling to a careful position to maintain focus .the ' look much less blinks and, from 16 to 20 flashes at 6 to 8 blinks per minute when we fix computers.
This leads to the formation of dry spots the cornea - clear window before the eye passes and focuses light in the it - resulting discomfort and drought.
This condition is compounded if the person has pre-existing dry eyes and works in an environmenl air-conditioned, which is less humid, or if a fan blowing in his direction.
Untreated, CVS can affect the productivity of the work or the ability to use the computer for extended periods of time.
Symptoms include itching eyes tired, dry eyes and sometimes sore head, or double vision floue.Les affected individuals may also suffer from pain in the neck or shoulders.Here are some tips to combat the symptoms of computer vision syndrome.
Another important cause of CVS is presbyopia makes reference to the loss of the ability of the eye to focus on a narrow subject due to aging.
With presbyopia, most people do not know their reading glasses or sunglasses distance are not appropriate for the use of the computer.This is because computer viewing distance is different to read a book or something distant.ainsi, using sunglasses reading or shows distance to look at the computer, presbytes someone will have their eye strain.
For people who find it is a strain to read or to focus on fine prints the remote computer or near the beach, they can use reading glasses to help relieve some strain on the same yeux.Dans time, they can incorporate presbyopia Correction Eye exercises in their daily routine.
Some people with presbyopia can require a separate pair of reading glasses look computer if their normal reading distance is different from their computer read remotely.
The good news is that CVS can be treated with a positive result in général.De many patients with CVS find drops lubricant ophthalmic usually helps and thus are lecture.Ces sunglasses patients will also make it a point to reduce use of the computer, which is by far the processing option more succès.Mais if symptoms persist, do not ignore and obtain the assistance of an expert eye.
A detailed examination of the eyes may be necessary to exclude other causes of blurriness of vision from cataracts and other causes of dry eyes, such as prolonged use of lenses contact etc..

Have you been pleasing to your eyes? Discover the it!

Is - this sound familiar? You work with your desktop for quite awhile and your eyes are tired.You said to yourself, "It?s ok." Don?t concern. "Ignore you the it.You continue in your find Eyes .you Malay strain more in your eyes.You continue what you do.

It is a vicious circle: long working hours, eyestrain, continue to work, most eyestrain, to continue working, ?

When we ignore the problem, our eye health will suffer. Over a long period, the damage to our eyes will become serious and permanent.

If your vision is unknown, do not take it lightly.Making some chose.Rien is more valuable than good.
As we know, there are several causes blurred vision ? tired eyes, aging, lack of appropriate nutrients, lack of exercise of the eye, etc.Take immediate action does not mean you have to rush to get a pair of glasses.
Now, see if you've been treating your eyes well?

Blurred vision may be temporary and that you need could be just good eye health habits.

Exercises of the eye for myopia

Here Are Simple Eye Exercises for Myopia
That Take Only Minutes A Day To Get Better Vision

Whether you are myopic or not, there are probably some questions in your mind right now.Let's try to find the answer to them right here.

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While you may have these issues, but let's face it, wouldn't can't you just like to read, work and drive without glasses or contacts within weeks from now?
Can't you just wouldn't love to live without the frustration of stumbling around the rest of your life anytime you?re without your glasses or contacts...
Wouldn?t you just hope to spend your hard-earned money on better things, instead of wasting mega bucks on glasses, contacts gold... even lasik surgery?
Yes, this could be the most eye opening article you?ll ever read.These eye exercises for myopia could work for you!
PURPOSE, there is just one big thing that stands between you and good mink
It's YOU! That's right.YOU!
If you expect overnight result, let me tell you that it's not going to happen that way.You've to be determined to do the eye exercises regularly.
These eye exercises work for thousands, and it will work for you too...PURPOSE you need to build it into your daily routine.
If you have decided to give this do-it-yourself vision improvement method (which is a safe, healthy alternative to glasses, contacts and even laser surgery) a try.Then you should read it.

In simple terms, myopia is a visual defect in which a person cannot see remote objects clearly.The near vision is usually quite good.

1 To test for nearsightedness, you would need to use a remote view chart.Do not use your glasses or contact lenses.

2 Place the chart on the wall at eye level under well illuminated condition.
3 Make markings of five feet from the chart, ten feet from the chart, and twenty feet from the chart.
4 Start with the Twenty feet mark.
5 Cover your left eye with the left palm.Read the chart from top to bottom. Note down the number of lines or letters that you read correctly.
6 Move to ten feet mark, and repeat Step 5.
7 Again, move to five feet mark, and repeat step 5.
8 If you still cannot see the lines or letters from five feet mark, move towards the chart until you can see clearly.Note down the distance from the chart.
9 Cover your right eye with your right palm, and repeat Step 5-8.
Evaluation of Your Test
If you can see clearly from 20 feet, you have no gold neglisgible myopia.
If you can see clearly only at 20 feet mark, you have mild myopia.
If you can see clearly only at 5 feet mark, you have moderate myopia.
You have high myopia, if you vision is clear at less than five feet mark.
Before we go on to the eye exercises for myopia, there are a few points to take note of:
1 First, read and understand the steps of each eye exercise carefully.
2 Do not use glasses or contact unless you are instructed to.
3 Do all the eye exercises for in in myopia non-glaring light.Vision chart gold targets should be well bed at all times.
4 If the eye exercise requires you to close the eye do so gently.
5 Do not strain your eyes while doing the eye exercise. The result would be better if you do not strain your eyes.
6 Rest your eyes after each eye exercise, and also at the end of the whole eye exercise.To relax your eyes, perform the eye relaxation exercises.
7 As our eyes are tired after a whole-day work, early morning is the best time for eye exercises.
8 If you do not have enough time to complete all the eye exercises for myopia, you can do some in the morning and finish the rest in the later part of the day.
9 Learn about the different courses that you will experience when you begin to build your visual habits: The different stages as you build your visual habit.
Carry out the following warm up before the eye exercises for myopia.
To accelerate the progress of this vision therapy, we recommend that you download and practice "The 10 powerful technical visual" daily:
(1) Warm up Exercise - visualization

(2) Warm up Exercise - Dodge Ball
After that, carry on with these eye exercises for Myopia:
(1) Eye Exercise - neck
(2) Eye Exercise - Focal Flexibility
(3) Eye Exercise - Tracing
This is one of the great technical to exercise the muscles that move the eyes and to develop better eye-hand coordination.
(4) Eye Exercise - Visualise Distant Scene
This eye exercise works well for people suffered from Myopia (near sightedness) .this particular group of people usually hold their focus too tight.
(5) Eye Exercise - Eye Pressing
This is an effective natural vision improvement to relieve eye strain and fatigue.
Similarly, do the following warm up before the eye exercises for myopia:
(1) Warm up Exercise - visualization
(2) Warm up Exercise - neck
After that, carry on with these eye exercises for Myopia:
(1) Eye Exercise - Fingernail Tracking
This eye tracking exercise is an easy and effective vision correction method to improve the flexibility of the crystalline lenses of your eyes.At the same time, it helps to prevent or decrease any existing visual defects.
(2) Eye Exercise - visualise remote Letters
Visualization is one of the healthy eye exercises that helps to relax the various eye muscles, facilitate better focus, and improve your sight.
This exercise will help you stretch out your gauze and relax the crystalline lens of your eyes.
(3) Eye Exercise - Alternate Near & far Reading
Eye muscle exercise (or eye tracking and fixing exercise) helps to improve the flexibility of your crystalline lens of the eye, and thus improve your vision and relieve eye strain.
(4) Eye Exercise - Eye Pressing
An effective natural vision improvement to relieve eye strain and fatigue.
(5) Eye Exercise - Focal Flexibility
This eye vision exercise uses the mind's eye to teach you how to release the focus of your eyes.Near-sighted usually hold their focus too tight.
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The chinese eye exercises are based on acupressure points and have been practised regularly in China to help reduce the rate of eye disorders.We have also added an interesting video clip there.
FAQ on Lasik Surgery
What to do after I've completed the eye exercises for myopia?
Prevention of Myopia in School Children
...At my suggestion Snellen test cards were placed in all the class rooms with directions for their use.The results were so encouraging that the method was employed continuously for eight years and is still in use...
Saving the Sight of the Children
...It is known that people are rarely if ever born myopic, but they are supposed to be born with a tendency to that condition, and near work is generally believed to accentuate this tendency...
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Nutritional needs of adolescents - early years

Adolescence is a difficult period in life. Physical growth and mental development are fast, change voice of boys, girls are beginning to have periods and most adolescents face to public examinations for the first time.
Adolescent development of unusual eating habits and often eat too many food fried, rapid and undesirable.Secondly, the reverse can also be true that social pressures can lead to reduce drastically on food, often without thinking needs nutritionnels.Ces regimes are often deficient protein, minerals and vitamins, and it can have a negative mood and behaviour, as well as physical health effect.
Between the ages of 13 and boys can put up to 9 kg (20 lb) and grow up to 12 cm per year. They need protein to build large muscles that are developed. Very active adolescent boys may consume up to 4,000 calories per day. It is a generous allowance which should easily provide enough minerals and vitamins, but often not as boys avoid often vegetables and whole grain carbohydrates. nutrition needs of adolescents Adolescent females earlier, begins the usually occur between the ages of 11 and 16 main growth spurt. They can grow up to 10 cm (4afin) in one year and on up to 8 kg (18 lb). Weight more aware than boys, they usually consume less calories and are therefore more prone to nutritional deficiencies. When their monthly periods start, girls need more iron and calcium and zinc. Irregular, painful periods can be caused by nutritional deficiencies and, although the birth control pill is sometimes prescribed for these problems, it also increases the need for certain nutrients. Daily bread and cheese, wrapped, candy and snack food washed with a soda, is deficient in many vitamins, minerals and possibly even of proteins. Similarly, meal of fast food restaurants usually too contain salt, fat, conservative chemical additives and sugar and fibre, while the protein content may be sufficient.CALCIUM and iron are needed for the croissance.VITAMINE D, which is necessary to allow the body to absorb calcium, is often deficient diet contains no milk.Periods of a girl once started, it has need for iron.
CALCIUM, magnesium, vitamins D and K, ZINC, copper, boron and manganese are needed to build strong bones and saines.PHOSPHORE is also required, but it is unlikely that Miss the diet alimentaire.Échec build of bones may increase the risk of osteoporosis in his life.
ZINC, manganese, chromium, selenium are often low in the diet of teenagers that they tend to eat too refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and sugar.
Vitamin C and P may be deficient if insufficient fruit and vegetables are eaten.
B-vitamins can easily fall below the level required in the adolescents.Cela is particularly important for girls, take pills control births and adolescents take antibiotics for acne .ZINC, vitamins A and F, especially the Omega-3 fatty, can help the complexion.
Supplements should not act as substitutes for nutritive.Il food substances in foods that we need, but have not yet identified and they are not included in the supplement.
To avoid food imbalance, minerals and vitamins supplements not usually suitable for high doses.