Amblyopia or the lazy eye is something mysterious in its nature.
Like allergy is to medicine, same way amblyopia is to ophthalmology - both idiopathic in nature.
They don't tell you their reason, and always keep you in the dark as to why they are what they are, in the very first place!

Lazy eye lowers the vision, mostly in one eye out of the two.
There is no clear-cut reason as to why it should have been so.
It's not even correctable by glasses, contact lenses or LASIK eye surgery.
A simple guide for writing checks helps people with low vision.
There is no error of refraction present in amblyopia. It's only that the images received by the retina are not being transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve in their full brightness.
Why should it happen so?
We will have to see things in a different light for that.
Enlarged type makes newspapers and magazines easier to read.
Why do we start sensing less - anything, for that matter?
For example, why do we start feeling less hot or less cold?
Why do some people make their fingers so insensitive that they can pick the boiling tea pan on its metallic part from the gas burner and put it down on the slab without any obvious difficulty?
Why do we stop feeling the pressure of urinating for hours together in our busy city lives?
This guide makes it easier to write letters or notes.
In fact, our mind - in conjunction with our body through its rigid musculature - conspires to keep a few chosen sensations unconscious and hence never perceives them; or perceives them less.
It's so true of sex which the religious people really start perceiving less and less with the passage of time. Even we never go mad in lovemaking because we never fully feel the touch of our partner's body. In fact, the major part of our moves in the bed is all calculated and well thought over beforehand!
If you don't use a thing, it will start losing its capacity to be used with the passage of time, although nothing has gone wrong with its structure!
A CCTV enlarges print making it easier to read.
The function turns into dysfunction.
Amblyopia is simply a function turned into dysfunction owing to less use of it.
So, the only solution is to use it now!
Just do it!
And it will be done!!
But we do not know how to use it now.
A CCTV enlarges print making it easier to read.
We have forgotten.
We have lost the lifeforce inside that makes us see colors as bright as they really are, the chilly as hot as it really is, the bitter-gourd as bitter as it really is, and the rose as fragrant as it really is!
How can we get it back? Can we?
Third eye opening does just that only. Vision therapy trains eyes to train mind through mind body connection; that is simply an on-off switch we have to clean up of its rust and just put it on!
Once for all, and the amblyopia is gone too!
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