Vision therapy not only does instant vision correction but also heals eye diseases by opening the third eye chakra, imparting overall health to the body and to the mind through an on-off switch in the body which, in fact, is the real mind body connection.
I did it to myself the very first.
And the very first time it happened to me, it was purely accidental in itself.
Later I went into it trying to assimilate - apprehend, comprehend and systematize - the whole experience turning it into an objective procedure of vision therapy, imparting the same results every time and with every person whosoever.
It was not an easy task to do. I was groping in the pitch dark.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
The only torch I had in my hands was my accidental experience with my own body, which I had to make into a scientific system of vision therapy for the human body.
No, I had one more torch with me.
It was the scientific study of the errors of refraction in the eyes and their correction by Dr. W.H.Bates - an American ophthalmologist - almost a hundred years ago!
He did his vision therapy the way of a genius and treated thousands of patients in his lifetime, but failed to make it an objectively repeatable performance in practice in a fixed duration time frame.
His theory of accommodation as different from that of the German classical ophthalmology, although revolutionary in content as well as fully supported by intensive and extensive experimentation, could not get its due recognition but for one reason only.
The reason was the abstract nature of his method of vision therapy that gave more credence to the mental strain and relaxation than to the physical.
Body is a concrete phenomenon but the mind is an abstract entity.
So the results of his vision therapy took a lot of time and that too, not always reproducible the same way.
This is the reason that it was not every single time that his vision therapy was carried on equally successfully!
I worked with the concrete muscular stress in the body and the physical relaxation of that concrete muscular stress in order to see clear instantaneously. That is what the mind body connection is!
In the course of my research on vision therapy, I had to work with chakras also. And here too, the story was the same. The spiritual tradition had worked on them at the abstract mental and the metaphysical planes more than at the concrete physical one. I had to discover another mind body connection here too!
The mind (psychology) and the metaphysics (spirituality), both having their roots in the body (biology)!

The body obeys the laws of physics, which is the most concrete of all the sciences. And the results of this obedience are repeatable in vision therapy every time with every person whosoever!
And it is instant!
And not only instant, it delivers more than was asked for. This vision therapy not only corrects vision but also heals many other diseases in the body as well as in the mind!
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
In the words of Dr. Bates:
"Not only do all errors of refraction and all functional disturbances of the eye disappear when it sees by central fixation, but many organic conditions are relieved or cured."
"I am unable to set any limits to its possibilities. I would not have ventured to predict that glaucoma, incipient cataract and syphilitic iritis could be cured by central fixation; but It is a fact that these conditions have disappeared when central fixation was attained."
"Relief was often obtained in a few minutes, and, in rare cases, this relief was permanent."
"Usually, however, a permanent cure required more prolonged treatment."
"Inflammatory conditions of all kinds, including inflammation of the cornea, iris, conjunctiva, the various coats of the eyeball and even the optic nerve itself, have been benefited by central fixation after other methods had failed."
"Infections, as well as diseases caused by protein poisoning and the poisons of typhoid fever, influenza, syphilis and gonorrhea, have also been benefited by it. Even with a foreign body in the eye there is no redness and no pain so long as central fixation is retained."
"Since central fixation is impossible without mental control, central fixation of the eye means central fixation of the mind."
"It means, therefore, health in all parts of the body, for all the operations of the physical mechanism depend upon the mind. Not only the sight, but all the other senses - touch, taste, hearing and smell - are benefited by central fixation."
"All the vital processes - digestion, assimilation, elimination, etc. - are improved by it."
"The symptoms of functional and organic diseases are relieved. The efficiency of the mind is enormously increased."
"The benefits of central fixation already observed are, in short, so great that the subject merits further investigation."
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health