Is - this sound familiar? You work with your desktop for quite awhile and your eyes are tired.You said to yourself, "It?s ok." Don?t concern. "Ignore you the it.You continue in your find Eyes .you Malay strain more in your eyes.You continue what you do.
It is a vicious circle: long working hours, eyestrain, continue to work, most eyestrain, to continue working, ?
When we ignore the problem, our eye health will suffer. Over a long period, the damage to our eyes will become serious and permanent.
If your vision is unknown, do not take it lightly.Making some chose.Rien is more valuable than good.
As we know, there are several causes blurred vision ? tired eyes, aging, lack of appropriate nutrients, lack of exercise of the eye, etc.Take immediate action does not mean you have to rush to get a pair of glasses.
Now, see if you've been treating your eyes well?
Blurred vision may be temporary and that you need could be just good eye health habits.